Provost & Academic Vice President
Provost's Office Personnel
Interim Provost and Academic Vice President
Dr. Mark Mossman
Responsibilities: Chief Academic Officer; academic and internal leadership for the Division of Academic Affairs; primary representative for the President in her absence; oversight of Academic Colleges, University Libraries, Centennial Honors College, Center for International Studies, Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, University Technology, and the Office of the Registrar.
Interim Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Budget, Personnel, and Student Affairs
Dr. Holly Nikels
Responsibilities: º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ/UPI contract administration; University grievance officer; budget and expenditure oversight; Academic Affairs personnel, student affairs; C.T. Vivian Scholars and Visiting Professor Programs; facilities, unit goals; University Research Council Chair; and dual enrollment.
Interim Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Programs, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Christopher Pynes
Responsibilities: Undergraduate studies; School of Graduate Studies; Institutional Research and Planning; First Year Experience; Assessment of Student Learning; Higher Learning Commission liaison and re-accreditation co-chair; academic program review and accreditation; curriculum development; oversight of research and grants in Sponsored Projects; IBHE liaison for curriculum; ex-officio to CCPI, CGE, and Graduate Council.
Provost's Staff
Charlene Greuel, Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities: Serve as initial contact for the Provost's office; provide administrative support to the Provost; maintain Provost’s calendar; coordinate the Distinguished Faculty Lecture event; assist with preparation of commencement ceremonies and University Assembly; collaborate with the President's office to coordinate visits by Federal and State legislators and other dignitaries; responsible for faculty moving expense reimbursement; coordinate office operations; schedule appointments and travel for Associate Provosts; collaborate with the Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies and Strategic Planning and academic departments for external program reviewers' contracts, scheduling, expenses, and payments; responsible for fiscal management of Provost's office budgets.
Amy Hodges, Administrative Aide
Responsibilities: Serve as initial contact for the office; provide administrative support to the Associate Provost for Budget, Personnel, and Research; assist with º£½ÇÆƽâ°æ/UPI contract administration, including University Timetables, retention, tenure, promotion, and merit applications, sabbaticals, performance evaluations, and grievances; track degree completion requirements; coordinate Lincoln Student Laureate Award; process administrative and faculty tuition waivers.
Linda Prosise, Administrative Assistant to the Provost
Responsibilities: Maintain, revise, and prepare undergraduate catalog for publication; ex-officio to CCPI; assist with new academic program proposals, curricular revision and review, and reports required by Illinois Board of Higher Education and Illinois Articulation Initiative; manage program review process; assist with coordination of Founders' Day celebration; compile Consolidated Annual Report; organize University Calendar Committee; maintain office web site.
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